polka dots

Friday, November 4, 2011

David is crawling!

Joya is doing an awesome job at reading. She can sound out simple words and can write out words by sounding them out. It is amazing how messed up the english language is and I never realized it until I have to teach Joya aobut different sounds each letter has, there there are silent letters but only in certain words and with certain order...it is confusing to her and a little unfair. So I have decided not to cover it all right now and I just let her mis-spell everything and praise her for sounding out the words with the letters she knows! She loves to do school with me, which is work on dry erase boards, workbooks, and on starfall.com.

Timmy is working on listening and following directions. He gets better and better at it each day! Today in gymnastics he did an exallent job of listening to his coach and following her directions. He laso is getting more daring and was able to do the high beam all by himself, and did stiff arms on the bar...its been hard for him to hold up his own weight!

6 months old and David is crawling! He also can roll all over, go from laying to sitting, and loves to be in the jonny jump up! He has started eating food and has eaten rice cereal, oatmeal, and sweet potatos. He babbles very loud to keep up with his siblings and their voice levels...the car is very fun these days!

Friday, September 2, 2011

David is 4 months

David is 4 months old, and I took him in for his check up today and again the Dr. thought he was older than he is. He is a big boy and his stats back that up. he was 90% for height at 26.5 inches and 95% for weight at 17.1 lbs. His little head is at the 50% at 42cm. He is a big boy that is very advanced! He can sit up, roll all over and even scoot around the floor when I set him down! He loves to stand up and look around while in the exersaucer! Joya and Timmy are his biggest entertainment!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's been a while!

I know it has been a while since my last post, but life is busy! We are however starting to get into a good routine! David has started sleeping through the night; he sleeps from about 10:30ish to about 4ish and then goes right back to bed til 6ish. It is nice not nursing through the night! He naps at the same time as the other kids about 3 of the 7days a week. Those days that they all nap together are wonderful!!

David went for his 2 month check up about a month ago now, but at that visit he was 14lbs 10oz, 24inches long and was in the 90% for everything! He's a big boy! I compared his stats to the other two and they were all the same length, Joya was a pound lighter and Timmy was a pound heavier than David.

David is trying to roll over, he makes his body turn like a banana but doesn't have the strength to do it yet...yet, it won't be very long til it happens! He is sitting up on his own for a very short time! He is the happiest baby that I have ever had. He loves to smile, giggle, and is very very ticklish! He loves watching his two older siblings and all the entertainment that they provide and occasionally is the victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time around them!

Timmy is awesome! He is loving, kind and super funny! He loves to tell his eye joke. It goes like this "I got something in my eye." You then say "what is it?" He says, "It's a eye ball!" We love for him to tell everyone, cause he is so cute and funny! He is just starting to test me and the boundaries that have been set for him. He has now experienced time out several times a day and an occasional spank. But all in all he is a wonderful little 2 year old!

Joya has finally adjusted to David being here and that she has to share Mom's attention! She loves having Timmy on the bottom bunk of her bed at night and loves to hold David. She is a awesome big sister to her brothers! She has a sweet heart and we are getting to see it more and more lately! The tantrums have slowed way down and so has the attitude, which has been really nice for me!

Tim has also finally adjusted to David being here! It has taken several conversations, some being intense fellowship and others quick words, but he finally gets it that I do need breaks and his schedule has to slow down for right now! I know he doesn't like it but he is making the adjustments to make me happy and to help out more!

As for me, I finally feel good! I have recently lost 10 lbs of the 25 left over David pregnancy pounds. And I finally feel like we are into a routine and able to conquer the day! I even went to the grocery store with all 3 kids by myself! I definitely feel better physically when David sleeps through the night and when I can get a nap in the day! I think my hardest adjustment is that I have to always maneuver 3 kids! I can't just go for a run, because I have only a double jogger! So either Christi has to go with me or Joya has to ride her bike. I can't go bike riding when I want to either. It is also frustrating that just to go for a walk I have to wear David and push a heavy double buggy! So part of Tim giving up his evening activities has given me time to workout or just have a breather without kids!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The last couple of weeks

Ok here is how it went down after David and I came home from the hospital:
Timmy had a hard time seeing me in the hospital and then going home with my parents, so he gave them a tough night his second night there. He gave us a tough time his first couple of days home with tantrums and yelling and screaming "NO" at us. He was adjusting to David by screaming at us and wanting to do everything himself! Joya was good during the time that Timmy was adjusting and then it was her turn after he was done. Joya's adjustment came int he form of being really mean with her words and screaming at me. All of her actions were directed toward me and she became very hurtful with her words. Tim and I decided to reward their good behavior with tickets that they then can trade in to get prizes from "Daddy's Store." Joya and I went shopping at Target and got a bunch of games that her and Timmy could play together or by themselves, we also got sugar free candy too. They are very excited to earn their tickets for making their bed, cleaning their rooms, putting their dishes in the sink, brushing their teeth, taking their baths, saying their prayers, and obeying Mom and Dad. We don't ever take tickets away but can remind them that they can earn a ticket by doing such and such. The last week has gone much better for both kids! Joya responds really well the the positive re-enforcement!
And David is doing good, he has started a nice routine of nursing every 3 hours during the day and has given me even more time at night! He has started NOT going poop during the night and so for the last 4 days he has blown it out and up the back and ruined several outfits now! He has also started staying awake for a couple hours at a time. He looks around and has even given us a couple of smiles.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011


Welcome David Dean Euhus!

Born April 18th at 1:28pm at 9lbs 8oz. 21.5 inches long

I had a scheduled c-section on the 18th at 1, but had a scare on Saturday with consistant contractions for 4 hours and then finally ending at 1:30 am. I then had contrations all day Sunday but nothing consistant! When I was monitored on Monday I had several contractions ont he machine and they told me it looked like I would have had the baby today one way or the other!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Timmy at 2 Years:

Here are some of Timmy's likes and dislikes as of now at his 2 year birthday! Likes:

  • Shows: Chuggington, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

  • Movies: Cars, Mr. Incredible, Johny Appleseed

  • Food: Mac and cheese, crackers, anything with carbs!

  • Toys: Train track and magnetic trains, lucky pup and snickerdoodles, cars, basketball, and golf

  • Books: Boys Bible, the Rescuers, the B Book, The Prayer Book

  • Songs: Jesus Loves Me, Wheels on the Bus

  • Misc: blankey, pubbies, washing hands, playing outside, his big boy bed!


  • Food: green beans, any food mixed together!

  • Misc: Going in after playing outside, cleaning up, having Joya take anything out of his hands.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Timmy's 2nd Birthday

We had a great 2nd Birthday for Timmy! We had the Grandma and Grandpa, Great Grammy, Uncle Dan and Auntie Kim and their boys, Tia, Auntie Heather and Vi, and our neighbor Mr. Art. We had a full house with lots of excitement! We decorated the house in a Mickey Mouse theme. :My sister drew some of Timmy's favorite characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and we decorated with balloons, another favorite of Timmy's!

I made this cake for Timmy, with help from Krista's decorating tips at HOME group!

We made a pinata, and didn't get too fancy with it. We weren't even sure that Timmy would get what to do, but he got right in there and did excellent. All the cousins got a turn to take a couple of whacks at the mickey pinata. Cousin Josh is the one who really did some damage and helped get the goodies out! I stuffed the pinata with extra stickers, army men, crayons, snakes, and old mickey mouse candy canes from Christmas. I was excited I didn't have to go buy more junk for the pinata! The most important is that the kids had a great time and everyone was safe! After Timmy's party on Thursday we left for the beach on Friday. We continued the party for Timmy and made a big deal of him being 2. We also were having our last get away as a family of 4, before we become 5! We have 3 weeks from today before baby comes! We found this fort on the beach and it was a great place to play out of the wind! Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grammy came with us. We all enjoyed the time on the beach when we could. Sometimes it was a quick dash to the beach in between rain storms! We had a great relaxing weekend! Loved it and love our family and kids!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Photo Session

Here is Joya with Tim's fake teeth in, she calls them the "gold toof."Here is Tim and Timmy, we decorated a little bit for Timmy's 2nd Birthday that will happen this Thursday! Timmy has his Mickey ears on, they are part of the decorations...it's Mickey Mouse themed.

Here is me and the kids; we are at 4 weeks until baby comes! I'm just starting to swell and be uncomfortable!

This is Joya and her money from her piggy bank. We took it in and she had 51 dollars!

Here is Timmy playing with Toby's chuck it! Just wanted to show how big he is getting!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Too Funny!

Ok here are some funny things the kids have said lately:

Violet: "I got a new book at school today, it's about snakes, ssssssss"
Nana: " I can assure you Vi, that Nana won't be reading that book to you, Nana doesn't like snakes!"
Joya:" Well, I can assure you, I don't know how to read!"


At bed time we do a little devotional with the kids and then have them repeat the written prayer, Tim does one sentence at a time and here is what happened a few nights ago!

Tim: "Here is the prayer tonight; Dear Lord, forgive me..."
Joya" Dear Lord forgive me..."
Timmy" Dear Lord forgive me for liking peanut and butter and honey sandwiches!"

We laughed hard after that one!


In Joya's Sunday School class they do one story for a month, so after the third week of the same story this is what we here in the car:

Michelle: " Joya what did you learn about in Sunday School?"
Joya: " We learned about Jesus...again...it's so annoying!"
Timmy: "sing Jesus loves me!"

Timmy chimes in whenever he feels the need to!

Anyway they have given us some good old belly laughs in the last couple of weeks! I wanted to write them down so I wouldn't forget!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too cute!

Here is Timmy singing Jesus loves me:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Few Fun Pictures of the Kids

The kids wanted to be bundled up today while they watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Chuggington...they're favorite shows!

Tim did Sack of Potatoes with both kids in one blanket and here is the result..all laughs!

We let Joya practice finding and typing letters on our old computer, she loves it and it keeps her busy for a good while!

Timmy wearing Joya's tap shoes while watching Joya's Ballet/Tap class.

I came home one night and found Tim and Joya on the couch, he said Joya climbed up in his lap and literally fell asleep within a minute of cuddling. He was enjoying the cuddle time so he hadn't taken her back up to her bed yet.

Timmy fell asleep with his sunglasses on at nap time today. I thought it was really cute, since he was obsessed with the glasses and wearing his flip flops all day!

Here is the baby moving from my perspective! Wait a few seconds and just watch the top of my belly. Tim and I both agree that this baby moves a whole lot more than the other two did! Our big athlete!

Its about Time:

Well it has officially been over a year since we moved into this house and I finally just finished Timmy's room. I painted the football field stripes on his green wall. It has been calling my name for some time and today I went for it. I did it all free hand and it went really pretty fast. The challenge was keeping the kids away from the wet paint and off the bed that I was sitting on. Joya would have loved to help me, but I told her that today it was just a mommy project!! She understood but checked in on me several times to make sure I didn't change my mind and need her help. We also finally put up our wedding quilt in the guest bedroom. Again for a year the quilt hanger has been by the guest bed and today was the day to finish some long needed work! Tim also mowed the lawn for the first time ever! It looks so nice! I don't have pictures of the lawn, but I will post them soon!

Also a fun unexpected trip we took was last Friday. We went with Tim to Florence. He had to pick up some equipment and the whole time at the hospital was literally 20 minutes, just enough time for the kids and I to find the bathroom and for all of us to go (or be changed) and then find Tim. We got back int he car and headed north to Haceta Head Lighthouse. We ate lunch in the car facing the ocean and then hiked up to the lighthouse. We had a great time until the way back down to the car, Joya just lost it. We got to the car and she was crying hysterically, I felt her head and she was burning up! I gave her some Tylenol and she seemed to be doing a lot better! So we decided to go to the last Varsity basketball game, we got to watch the warm ups when Joya started throwing up! We then headed home and put the kids to bed. Joya and Timmy slept all night! She has acted better today and has eaten fine, but still ran a low grade fever at times today. Hopefully she feels even better tomorrow with no fever!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sick at Home and Now One on Board!!

The kids have been sick with low grade fevers all week. Timmy had diarrhea at the beginning of the week and has been over it since Tues. Joya has had a nasty cough since last Friday. She isn't running a fever today but is still whinny, so were still at home! I had to take Timmy into the Dr. this morning because last night he struggled to breathe while laying down and since it's Friday I just took him in. The Dr. gave him some more decadron, just like a month ago when he had croup and couldn't breathe then either! So Joya missed her ballet lesson, Timmy missed one swim lesson and went to the other one. Him and Tim have fun with that, it's a special time with just the two of them, and Timmy needs the practice. He has lost all confidence in the pool from this summer, and won't even put his face in the water anymore, or jump off the edge into the pool. But him and Tim are working on it and it is a fun time for just the two of them. Timmy always says "Daddy Timmy smim lessons?"

On another note, last night Joya asked Jesus into her heart! The subject was brought up as fast as it was dropped, but we're counting it and will help her develop a relationship from here. So last night we were reading her Princess Bible and she said "Dad everyone has God in their hearts." Tim said no that's not true, you have to ask Jesus into your heart to have him there. Then Tim helped her pray to ask Jesus into her heart. She was excited and then ran off. That was the end of that! It made me tear up last night, I am not sure what her motivation was, but we'll take it! It also made me tear up because just a few weeks ago she was being disrespectful during prayer, we had to work with her on that, and what it meant to be respectful! We determined she was just board during our prayer, and had her start saying her own prayer and she is good now!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The New Baby and Christmas

Here are pictures from my ultrasound that all the kids came to with us, including cousin Vi. They were interested for all of 10 seconds and then wanted a snack! Joya was very concerned with the goo they put on my stomach, after she felt it she was done with the whole thing and could have left right then and there!
Also some pictures of Christmas, Timmy was extremely sick with croup and Joya was hilarious to watch open her gifts! She would open something and then scream, "that's what I always wanted," or "I knew it, I knew I would get this." She was so funny!
We did Christmas Eve with the Euhus side and Christmas Day with my family, except we did stockings at home!

We also got to meet Uncle Jeff's Girlfriend Miss Mollie or as Timmy said "Mitt Mollie."
After Christmas there has been a lot of playing with Mickey and Minnie, and Daddy does a great Mickey Mouse voice that Joya loves!
Also after Christmas when Timmy was feeling better, he decided he wanted to poopoo int he potty! That was exciting but he has no feeling of pee, so we are half doing potty training, and more because I don't want to sit of the floor all day and wash peepeed underpants! Maybe we will hit it hard later when I feel more up to it...it would be nice to only have one in diapers at a time, but at the same time I don't want to do more laundry than I have to just because he wants to copy mommy and big sister sit on the potty for their business!

Here is a video of Timmy talking to the baby. Both him and Joya like to push on my belly and talk to the baby and then wait to see if it responds with some movement, it usually does which is fun for them!