I know it has been a while since my last post, but life is busy! We are however starting to get into a good routine! David has started sleeping through the night; he sleeps from about 10:30ish to about 4ish and then goes right back to bed til 6ish. It is nice not nursing through the night! He naps at the same time as the other kids about 3 of the 7days a week. Those days that they all nap together are wonderful!!
David went for his 2 month check up about a month ago now, but at that visit he was 14lbs 10oz, 24inches long and was in the 90% for everything! He's a big boy! I compared his stats to the other two and they were all the same length, Joya was a pound lighter and Timmy was a pound heavier than David.
David is trying to roll over, he makes his body turn like a banana but doesn't have the strength to do it yet...yet, it won't be very long til it happens! He is sitting up on his own for a very short time! He is the happiest baby that I have ever had. He loves to smile, giggle, and is very very ticklish! He loves watching his two older siblings and all the entertainment that they provide and occasionally is the victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time around them!
Timmy is awesome! He is loving, kind and super funny! He loves to tell his eye joke. It goes like this "I got something in my eye." You then say "what is it?" He says, "It's a eye ball!" We love for him to tell everyone, cause he is so cute and funny! He is just starting to test me and the boundaries that have been set for him. He has now experienced time out several times a day and an occasional spank. But all in all he is a wonderful little 2 year old!
Joya has finally adjusted to David being here and that she has to share Mom's attention! She loves having Timmy on the bottom bunk of her bed at night and loves to hold David. She is a awesome big sister to her brothers! She has a sweet heart and we are getting to see it more and more lately! The tantrums have slowed way down and so has the attitude, which has been really nice for me!
Tim has also finally adjusted to David being here! It has taken several conversations, some being intense fellowship and others quick words, but he finally gets it that I do need breaks and his schedule has to slow down for right now! I know he doesn't like it but he is making the adjustments to make me happy and to help out more!
As for me, I finally feel good! I have recently lost 10 lbs of the 25 left over David pregnancy pounds. And I finally feel like we are into a routine and able to conquer the day! I even went to the grocery store with all 3 kids by myself! I definitely feel better physically when David sleeps through the night and when I can get a nap in the day! I think my hardest adjustment is that I have to always maneuver 3 kids! I can't just go for a run, because I have only a double jogger! So either Christi has to go with me or Joya has to ride her bike. I can't go bike riding when I want to either. It is also frustrating that just to go for a walk I have to wear David and push a heavy double buggy! So part of Tim giving up his evening activities has given me time to workout or just have a breather without kids!

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