polka dots

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Half way there!

Tim has been gone for a whole week, and will be gone until next Friday, so we are half way there. This week has been great! Joya has been fantastic and Timmy has been sleeping great, which makes me a happy and patient mommy!
Monday we stayed at home for the morning and played at the pool in the afternoon. Then I went to a new class I'm taking called a "mystery quilt class" and then went to workout, my mom watched the kids for me. I love the new class and am very excited to make the quilt. That night Timmy slept until 5 am and then went right back to sleep until 9. It was awesome!
Tuesday we went to the library and then to meet our MOPs friends at Central Park. Joya loves a little girl named Audry, but Joya calls her "Aud-th-ry", its very cute. I took the kids on a run and ended at the pool again! Then Joya and Timmy came with me to a planning meeting I had with three other ladies. We are planning a VBS type week for a low income area of Corvallis. I have planned for two days of the week and took on a little more than I thought I would but its ok and I am excited to put it on. That night Timmy again slept all night until 6 and then was up for 2 hours and then took a hour and a half nap.
Wednesday I took Joya and Timmy to the park and on a walk down by the river, we ended at Nana and Papa's house and played there a little while. I also mowed the lawn with Timmy on my back in the backpack, and Joya playing in the back yard. It went great until Joya swung the see saw and didn't watch it come back and hit her in the face...poor girl she has a nice fat lip now! I got to work out that night too, while Nana watched the kids. We thought Timmy would take a bottle from Nana, because he took a bottle once or twice before, but he wasn't going to have it! Nana called me and I had to come back a little earlier than planned. It was fine though. Timmy slept from 9 to about 1 and then cried until 2:30 when I finally gave in and nursed him.
Thursday we went grocery shopping in the morning, Joya was a great help. She put apples and nectarines in plastic baggies for me and held a box of cake mix through out the whole store. We also picked out new peepee and poopy treats for her...she needs a little more motivation to come in from outside playing to use the potty! We then went for a run and ended at Tia's house. the Kropaniki's are here visiting Christi from North Carolina. Deb said she was meeting Christi for lunch and asked if we wanted to come, so we went with Deb to have lunch with Chrsiti in Lebanon. We had a good time and both kids were tired and took great naps when we got home!
Timmy slept until 6 am again that night, again it was wonderful!!
Friday we woke up and hung around here for the morning, playing outside and watering all of Daddy's plants. Then I went and had a chiropractor appointment and Deb watched Joya for me, I took Timmy with me. While I was out and about the doctor's office called and told me that my insurance had dropped Timmy Jr. So I had to call and straighten all of that out and fax a copy of his birth certificate to them...as if the hospital bills weren't enough proof that he was born! We then went out to the Gradin's Arabian horse farm. We had a blast feeding and watching all of the horses and sheep. Joya also got to ride on little Gradin's (their grandson) four wheeler. We came back took a nice nap and then went for a bike ride after dinner. The day flew by! Timmy slept until 4 am and then was up for an hour and went back down until 8.
Today is Saturday and we went to Home Depo to get a sprinkler head that I ran over with the lawn mower, then we went to the Saturday market. In the car on the way there Joya asked me, "mom, whats there?" I told her there were fruits and vegetables and fun crafts. She asked if there was salad there, I said yes salad makings. Then she asked if Saturday was there. I started laughing and said that Saturday was the day of the week that the market is on, that they can't sell Saturday! I thought it was very cute!!
Tim will be home next Friday and I hope this next week goes by just as fast as this last week went!!

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