polka dots

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A lot has happened...

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. Joya has done excellent at her potty training. She loves wearing her big girl panties and loves to have a nuddie bottom when shes at home. I have dressed her in dresses because its easier to get to the toilet and go, and she loves wearing dresses! Shes such a girly girl!! Last Thursday the whole family drove to Eugene, Tim did some business there and once him and Paul were done with we drove to Bend. We got in around dinner time and went to Red Robin...one of our favorite places. Then back to the motel, which we had a suite room with Paul and Marilee. Needless to say Joya was too excited to go to bed, so she tormented us all until midnight when Tim took her out to the car and put her in her car seat and then drove around until she fell asleep!! It was a short night of sleep for me because 30 minutes after Tim got back with her, Timmy woke up! I slept very lightly because I didn't want Timmy to wake everyone up after Joya kept us all awake!

The next day Tim did business in Bend and then we drove to Boise. We got to Uncle Alan and Aunt Marie's house, in Kuna ID, for dinner and for Joya to play with cousin Josh, who flew in with Uncle Dan from Houston, TX. J So that night was a late night for Joya again. This time she tried pulling the same stunts as the night before but I told her I couldn't do it again and she had to lay down and go to sleep, or else... She did so and slept until 8 the next morning! It is so nice that Timmy is still small enough to cart him around anywhere and he can take a nap or sleep anywhere. Praise the Lord for that!
The next day we played with cousin Josh in the pool and then went to lunch with everyone which included Uncle Jeffrey, who evidently no one had told him that Timmy had red hair so he was pumped up for that! Sorry we forgot to tell you, I guess next time Uncle Jeffrey will have to come visit after the baby's born and not wait so long!!haha. The wedding was at 5pm at a local vineyard, it was a beautiful setting. There were a ton more kids Joya and Josh's age to play with there, most of them were from the Willis side of the family (Marilee's side), so it was fun for them to meet each other and get to play and run all evening. We finally left at 9ish when Josh and Joya were starting to loose it, both of them complained that their feet hurt from wearing their boots all day, I had taken my heals off, but Tim's feet hurt from his boots too! We went right to sleep that night after saying goodbye to Uncle Dan and Cousin Josh, and woke up the next morning to go have one last family time at Allan and Marie's house for breakfast. We hit the road by 10am and got into Eugene at 8pm. We stopped several times for Joya and Grandpa to use the bathroom, but the last hull was from Bend to Eugene and it was a long one. Timmy had decided he was done sitting in his car seat and let us all know that the whole way home (about 2.5hrs) That's when Joya wet her panties too. She had very minimal accidents with the potty training the whole weekend. The few accidents she had were while she slept in the car, and while playing with cousins, it was just too much fun to leave and go to the bathroom!
Anyway we had a wonderful weekend and now both kids are sick with head colds, so I know they had a great time too!
I will add pictures when I get them. We had everyone else take pictures for us and then they will give us copies soon.

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