polka dots

Friday, February 12, 2010

Some Fun Pic's

Here is a picture of the kids playing while I was packing. I just went through my camera and found some cute pictures to post!
Here are Joya and her cousin Violet doing Papa Sir's salute! He has them stand to attention and then Salute. It is very cute. For those of you that don't know, Violet and Heather are now living with Christi right down the street from us! Joya and Violet love one another so much and have enjoyed playing together almost everyday since they moved here! It is so cute how Violet says Joya's name she says "cousin Jaw-a" I love it!!

This was just a fun picture of Timmy going to town on his spaghetti but he wouldn't let go of his ball he was holding. It amazes me how he loves balls, he would probably sleep with them if I let him!!

This was Joya's last day of gymnastics. They were presented up on the stage there and then ran back to us parents! She loved gymnastics and it was good for her to know there are other authority figures that she needs to listen and follow directions from! The bottom picture is for Uncle Jeffrey, Timmy's hair looked especially red that day!

1 comment:

Anna H. said...

Hey Michelle where r u located now? long time no talk to. NEEED 2 catch up!!!! : )