polka dots

Monday, February 16, 2009


I am not used to working full time!!
I have been subbing for my mom. It was three days last week and two days this week. I am not used to working and am so tired when I come home at the day! I give props to any working moms.
First of all it is so hard to get up in the morning, get myself ready, Joya ready and get me out the door by 7. Luckily my mother in-law came to stay with us, so I didn't have to get everything done with Joya in the morning because she was staying at home with Grandma. But usually I have to get her into the car to take her to Grandma's or Papa's house for her to be there for the day while I sub. I love subbing once I am there, but it is hard to leave Joya, especially when she is crying for me not to go!!
This is probably my last week of subbing, I have 4 weeks until the baby comes and unless its a half day, I think I am done!! When I was pregnant with Joya, I subbed up until the week before she was due!! This time around I am too tired! By Friday I was having contractions and I had to call the doctor, she just told me to rest and the contractions went away!!
I have two more days and then I am done...I can do it!! I feel like a wimp saying this because a lot of women work while they are pregnant and have kids at home. I am just not used to it, and I am so thankful that I don't have to work!! I love staying at home with Joya!!!

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