Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Update on the Euhus Fam
Turned 5 this month! She is reading at a level 2 almost 3. She is so excited to go to school next year and will be in the Spanish immersion program at Lincoln, which is our neighborhood school. She is my big helper with the boys and a little mama to her babies and Barbie's. She loves being social with her friends at the pool, park, and at our house with play dates and then loves to have alone time in her room. While in her room she loves to play Barbie's and play with her new baby Alyssa and with her new I-pad that she got for her Birthday. She is finally sleeping through the night and when she has trouble falling asleep she gets a melatonin. She just started a new phase of lying, its stupid what she chooses to lie over, but she is testing it out and learning that she gets in more trouble for lying than she does for doing the crime and paying for it then. She is still a rule follower and wants everyone to abide by the same rules. She is also still a perfectionist, which makes school fun for both of us. I will teach her something new and she will practice it on her own before we work on it together again. That way she has it perfect and we don't get frustrated at each other for her not feeling like it is perfect and me not caring that it is perfect!
Turned 3 in March and is blossoming! He asked Jesus in his heart on June 13. It is definitely a start for him as he doesn't understand everything, but the basics; he is a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross for him and that he is going to Heaven when he dies. Joya has told him for the last year and a half that he is not going to Heaven because he doesn't have Jesus in his heart. But now he does and Joya may be more excited than Timmy!haha Timmy has an amazing imagination! He plays everything from animals in crocodile creek to being super hero's to being Ken and playing Barbies with Joya (he would not be a girl doll, so Joya bought him a Ken doll so that they could play together). Timmy is attached to something new each week. This week it is Tang and Baby Tang in one hand and baby Sharkie in the other hand. We try to keep his obsessions to one hand but he loves to carry around little trinkets. He still naps almost every day but can go with out a nap if he has to. Him and Joya get a movie every Friday for rest time and then get to share a room on Friday nights. Lately it has also been sharing a bed too. Timmy is a little water dog too, he loves to play in the baby pool across the street. He will not go in the big pool but in the baby pool with go underwater, swim on his back, and stay in there for hours.
Turned 1 a couple of months ago! He wants to do everything Joya and Timmy do!! He is still napping 2x a day and is my best sleeper yet! He sleeps consistently from 8pm -6:30 am. He loves his milk and no longer wants me to cut his food up for him. However the Joya and Timmy have there food he wants his that way too. David is not talking other than "Mama" and "Dada". He does point and scream/grunt at what he wants. He does table signs for all done, more, milk, and please. He is a fearless kid that walks through the baby pool without holding my hands. He climbs up on everything possible and than can get down by himself if no one gets him down first! He has the greatest smile that can make everyone smile! He also has a hilarious belly laugh! He is a very friendly and loves his Daddy, and any other man figure in his life! He always chooses a man to a women if given the choice. Accept for me, he loves his mama and never wants me to leave!!
Well that an update on the kids! I will try and do better in keeping up on the blog now that I am out of the sleep deprivation stage!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Update on the Kids

Friday, November 4, 2011
David is crawling!
Joya is doing an awesome job at reading. She can sound out simple words and can write out words by sounding them out. It is amazing how messed up the english language is and I never realized it until I have to teach Joya aobut different sounds each letter has, there there are silent letters but only in certain words and with certain order...it is confusing to her and a little unfair. So I have decided not to cover it all right now and I just let her mis-spell everything and praise her for sounding out the words with the letters she knows! She loves to do school with me, which is work on dry erase boards, workbooks, and on starfall.com.
Timmy is working on listening and following directions. He gets better and better at it each day! Today in gymnastics he did an exallent job of listening to his coach and following her directions. He laso is getting more daring and was able to do the high beam all by himself, and did stiff arms on the bar...its been hard for him to hold up his own weight!
6 months old and David is crawling! He also can roll all over, go from laying to sitting, and loves to be in the jonny jump up! He has started eating food and has eaten rice cereal, oatmeal, and sweet potatos. He babbles very loud to keep up with his siblings and their voice levels...the car is very fun these days!
Friday, September 2, 2011
David is 4 months
Saturday, July 23, 2011
It's been a while!

Saturday, May 21, 2011
The last couple of weeks
Timmy had a hard time seeing me in the hospital and then going home with my parents, so he gave them a tough night his second night there. He gave us a tough time his first couple of days home with tantrums and yelling and screaming "NO" at us. He was adjusting to David by screaming at us and wanting to do everything himself! Joya was good during the time that Timmy was adjusting and then it was her turn after he was done. Joya's adjustment came int he form of being really mean with her words and screaming at me. All of her actions were directed toward me and she became very hurtful with her words. Tim and I decided to reward their good behavior with tickets that they then can trade in to get prizes from "Daddy's Store." Joya and I went shopping at Target and got a bunch of games that her and Timmy could play together or by themselves, we also got sugar free candy too. They are very excited to earn their tickets for making their bed, cleaning their rooms, putting their dishes in the sink, brushing their teeth, taking their baths, saying their prayers, and obeying Mom and Dad. We don't ever take tickets away but can remind them that they can earn a ticket by doing such and such. The last week has gone much better for both kids! Joya responds really well the the positive re-enforcement!
And David is doing good, he has started a nice routine of nursing every 3 hours during the day and has given me even more time at night! He has started NOT going poop during the night and so for the last 4 days he has blown it out and up the back and ruined several outfits now! He has also started staying awake for a couple hours at a time. He looks around and has even given us a couple of smiles.