Puts everything in his mouth
Loves clapping
Loves watching Joya and Timmy
Hates sleeping at night!
Loves nursing
Eats table food now (after a month of on and off eating puréed food)
Wearing size 12 month clothing but getting small!
Can stand up by himself in the middle of the room!!
Loves the show Octonauts on the Disney channel
Favorite food is a Bagel and cream cheese
Hates going poop
Loves being tickled
Love drinking miralax
Loves milk
Loves to walk/stand on anyone's legs while they are sitting on the ground
Loves sitting on my foot while my leg is crossed
Sings all the time
Can recognize all the letters in his name
Can count to 20
love glow sticks and flashlights
Is reading small books!
Can sound out words to write
Loves doing school/ working in workbooks
Can't wait for kindergarten next year
Loves glow sticks and stickers
Can ride her bike all they way around the neighborhood
Love gymnastics ( participating and watching)
Loves working on the computer
Loves baking (especially out of the Minnie Mouse Cookbook)
Loves doing crafts/projects
Loves fresh squeezed
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