polka dots

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Joya has been taking Swimming lessons from our babysitter who also teaches at Osborne Aquatic Center. I hired her on the side to come to our pool and teach Joya while Timmy is napping in the afternoon. Yesterday Zoey had to come in the evening so we got to watch and Joya was swimming! She can hold her breath and swim underwater the width of the pool. She puts her arms in front like she is diving in and just kicks! She is doing great and Zoey is a great teacher, she is going to start working with Timmy for just a few minutes after Joya's lessons! This is the first day of swim lessons with Zoey.

Timmy is trying to repeat and talk more and more. He has a few words that he says ALL the time. Doggie, Ball, Dada and Mama are his constants, but now he tries to say football, which sounds like "BotBall". He is also repeating animals like kitty, pig, and bear. He is teething really bad right now to where his mouth is bleeding. His molars are coming through...three of them at the same time. He hasn't slept through the night for the last 5 nights in a row. I don;t think he will sleep through the night again until his teeth stop hurting!! Poor guy!

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