polka dots

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Whats that smell?

Well I walked into the house a few days ago and smelt something really bad!! So I did what anyone else would do, emptied the garbage, cleaned the sink, ran the disposal, Lysol everything. Anyway the smell was covered for a little while but then it came back, so I started following my nose. I followed the smell to to corner of the room where Joya has her kitchen, I thought Toby had puked or pooped back there so I was on my hands and knees searching. I found the culprit...it was a white butcher paper covered, pound and a half of beef! Joya was playing with one of the frozen packages of meat when we got the half a cow and we were putting it away. Tim was working in the garage putting it away in the outside freezer and I was putting a few pounds in the inside freezer. Joya was walking back and forth between us bringing meat from Tim to me and visa versa. Well neither Tim or myself realized that Joya still had a package and she put it in her kitchen. She was cooking her meat in the oven, and that's where I found it! A couple weeks old, nasty smelling, rotting meat! Bing...it's done!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! EEEeeeeeeewwwwwww........