Timmy had his 2week appointment today, he weighed in at 9lbs.5oz. Today was his original due date, so I am pretty sure that's how much he would have weighed. He is a eating machine, he nurses every hour and a half to two hours. I asked the doctor if I could make him weight for three hours, she said go for it. She also said that if I establish a routine in the day it will transfer to night. So far the only routine we have is he is hungry and I feed him...often! His jaundice is gone and his circumcision is healing nicely. He has a little infection on his rear from diaper rash. He rashed and blistered and now has an infection, the doctor called in some antibiotic cream that I have to apply three times a day. She also thinks it will get better when I can give him a real bath, right now he gets birdy baths because his cord hasn't fallen off. Joya calls the cord a snake, or as she says"nake." It kind of looks like snake scales.
a stayed with Papa today when I took Timmy in. She had a good time and learned how to salute. Papa was in the Marines and then was a police officer for 35years, his name is actually Papa Sir. I got the salute on video, but have not downloaded it, I will soon.
I am tired and need to get ready for bed, so that when I feel the little guy next I can go to bed too!!
1 comment:
So glad he's healthy and growing and everything is going well. Everytime I think of you and to call you it's either super early or super late and I don't want to wake you. We really need to get our babies together. Miss you!!!
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