Joya is doing awesome as a big sister. There is some jealousy but not of Baby Timmy, its of not having me, she and I miss our one on one time. She is adjusting better than I thought she would though. Her and I got to spend some time outside and color on seashells with side walk chalk and walk around the house like we used to on nice days! We didn't stay outside for long because I got cold and started to tighten up, so we had to go inside. It's hard for me too, my instinct is to pick Joya up and love on her!! I want to have time with just her and I but I can't take her anywhere, because I'm not allowed to drive. I can't lift her up, so I can't even have alone time to change her diaper, unless I do it on the floor! It's a hard time, but I am healing a whole lot faster than the last one and feel like in a cou
ple of weeks I will be good to go!!
Joya got to hold Baby Timmy today, which was a highlight...we all stood by holding our breathes!! She did a good job. It's very cute how she touches him very gently and always talks to him in a high pitched voice!
She read to him yesterday, and likes to touch and say hi to him any time she passes him, or notices him. She is very sweet!
She also is including Timmy in her pretend play. She goes into her kitchen and makes Tim and I coffee and different meals all the time, but today she made Timmy some coffee and then fed it to him. That's what she's doing in the first picture there.
I think she likes being a big sister,and I know she loves having Nana and Grandma here to pay her some special attention!
Look at how long his fingers are! I love how cute and tan the jaundice makes him look. Jeffrey had that same tan. He's beautiful. Glad Joya is adjusting well and I am glad to hear that you are recovering quickly.
Yea for the Euhus family!! We're so happy for you! Chelle, how you handling two kids? You're probably the best at it. Congratulations!
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