I made this cake for Timmy, with help from Krista's decorating tips at HOME group!
We made a pinata, and didn't get too fancy with it. We weren't even sure that Timmy would get what to do, but he got right in there and did excellent. All the cousins got a turn to take a couple of whacks at the mickey pinata. Cousin Josh is the one who really did some damage and helped get the goodies out! I stuffed the pinata with extra stickers, army men, crayons, snakes, and old mickey mouse candy canes from Christmas. I was excited I didn't have to go buy more junk for the pinata! The most important is that the kids had a great time and everyone was safe!
After Timmy's party on Thursday we left for the beach on Friday. We continued the party for Timmy and made a big deal of him being 2. We also were having our last get away as a family of 4, before we become 5! We have 3 weeks from today before baby comes! We found this fort on the beach and it was a great place to play out of the wind! Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grammy came with us. We all enjoyed the time on the beach when we could. Sometimes it was a quick dash to the beach in between rain storms! We had a great relaxing weekend! Loved it and love our family and kids!
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