Last Thursday we, I mean myself, Joya, TJ, mom, dad, Heather, and Violet, headed down to California to visit Grandma and Grandpa NeeNee. They live in Redding CA, my dad, the kids and I traveled together in dads truck while pulling the 5th wheel. We made it in 6 hours and only stopped twice. The kids did wonderful on the way down! We stayed down there until Sunday. We had a great time, Grandma took the kids to an awesome park called Kids Kingdom, the next day we toured Simpson University. There are a lot of new buildings since Heather graduated from there! We mainly hung around the house to have some good quality time with Grandpa! He is pretty thin and his energy is limited, but he was in great spirits. Timmy just loved him and went right to him! The kids got to hear some of his Stinky the Bear stories and GG (great Grandma) did her story apron with the girls. We took the kids bikes since GG and Great Grandpa NeeNee have an awesome backyard with a paved path all the way around their house. They also had a trampoline, which was a big hit with the kids.

Then we came home and went to the Pumpkin Patch with HOME group. HOME stand for Helping Our Moms Excel. Its like MOPs and we love it. So we picked out pumpkins, had fresh donuts and apple cider and then went and played in a hay maze and hay pyramid

Today I finally finished Joya's Halloween costume. Timmy is wearing the Elmo one I made a couple of years ago for
Joya and Joya is Cinderella!
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