I started "school" with Joya this week! I said I was going to start at the new year, but that obviously did not happen! So we started this week with the letter A. We did the short letter A sound on Monday. I had a little letter A book for her to write in, practice writing the letter A and draw in. On one of the pages I wrote in "aquarium." And then Joya, Timmy, Cousin Vi, and Auntie Heather and I went to Newport to the aquarium there. It was a beautiful day. Unfortunately half of the aquarium was closed for them to build a new section with amphibians! So we were done in one hour, and since it was such a nice day we headed to the beach! Like I said it was a gorgeous day so we played on the beach for an hour and a half and then headed home. The girls ran the entire time they we
re on the beach! Timmy crawled a long way and was closing his eyes as I put him back in his car seat to head home. Joya was asleep before we left Newport and Vi a short time later.
On Tuesday we had MOP's and while there, Joya decided she wanted to take a nap and go home. Once we were home she napped for 3 hours and woke up with a fever of 102! We laid low the rest of the day.
Wednesday morning I dropped Joya off with Auntie Heather and Cousin Vi, because they were sick too, and I took Timmy to the Gathering (bible study). I kept Timmy with me
because I
could tell he was getting it, but didn't have a fever yet. After nap time on Wed. both Joya and Timmy had 102! We again did not do anything for "school" other than recognize and look for the letter A in our books, and when we were out and about.
In this picture above, Joya is on the top of the dune, and Vi is at the bottom. They had a great time sliding/rolling down the sand. Timmy had fun crawling in it too. Needless to say there was a lot of sand in their clothes by the time we got back to the car!! It was a great time though!
Last night was a rough one! Joya woke up at 12:30 really hot, I gave her some Tylenol and it took her until 2:30 to be able to get back to sleep! Then Timmy was up at 4:30 and 5 and then was up for the morning at 6:30. He is now taking his morning nap and Joya and I did "school". She gets very excited to about school, but right now she will practice writing the letter A once or twice, color a few things and then is done with school. So we left an alligator project only half done. I think when she is feeling better and doesn't have a 102 temp, she might be able to finish her projects and have more of an attention span! We also did a bible memory verse with the letter A starting the first word in the verse.
Tomorrow is a big day, Tim is taking his first day off since he started his job, 10 months ago! We are going to go to Waldport for the weekend! I am very excited, and I hope the kiddos start feeling better so they can enjoy it too. But right now we are just reading books, and resting on the couch...we definitely can do that at the beach while watching the ocean!
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