In this picture above, Joya is on the top of the dune, and Vi is at the bottom. They had a great time sliding/rolling down the sand. Timmy had fun crawling in it too. Needless to say there was a lot of sand in their clothes by the time we got back to the car!! It was a great time though!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sick Again!
In this picture above, Joya is on the top of the dune, and Vi is at the bottom. They had a great time sliding/rolling down the sand. Timmy had fun crawling in it too. Needless to say there was a lot of sand in their clothes by the time we got back to the car!! It was a great time though!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Timmy Playing
Timmy tried whole milk today! He has been nursing really hard and the two reasons that Tim and I can come up with; is his attachment issue or I am not producing enough milk anymore. When Joya was this age she was only nursing once or twice a day, but Timmy still is nursing 5 times a day. He also has some anxiety when I leave him...if he sees me leave! Anyway I decided to give him cow's milk today and see if he will stop nursing really aggressively and do a little better when I am not holding him ALL DAY long!!
I can not believe he is almost a year old. He is 10 months but on the 24th will be 11months and it has gone fast!! He is walking 4-5 steps at a time, eating everything from the table that we are, and responding well to directions. For example if you say "where is Mommy's nose?" he will grab my nose. He knows mouth and eyes but not ears yet! He is growing so big, its has been fun watching him develop into a "little man."
The New House
Friday, February 12, 2010
Some Fun Pic's
This was Joya's last day of gymnastics. They were presented up on the stage there and then ran back to us parents! She loved gymnastics and it was good for her to know there are other authority figures that she needs to listen and follow directions from! The bottom picture is for Uncle Jeffrey, Timmy's hair looked especially red that day!
Monday, February 1, 2010
It's Been A While!