I called our doctor and my sister, they both said the same thing, its a "virus" and there is nothing you can do but make sure they stay hydrated! My sister also recommended equal parts of liquid Benadryl and liquid Maalox and paint Joya's tongue and throat with it and it will take the sting out of her throat for her to swallow. I did that and it works great, I can tell when it wears of, about every 2 hours and we do it again.
Today Joya had low grade fevers of 99-100 and had many more moments of being alive and able to play, not like yesterday all she wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch a "little show." Today she still has the little white pox marks in her throat, but she wasn't having the same trouble swallowing like yesterday. And thank the Lord she wasn't as whinny today either. I can tolerate quiet a bit, but I can not take much of the whinny talking and attitude. I know its different when she is sick, but I think she knows how to play it up now too!
Timmy woke up with one of the little boils/pox marks on his lip. He doesn't have any other symptoms other than that one mark...lets all pray right now that he stays healthy!!

Here is a picture of Timmy chewing on a duck, sorry to all our family and friends who are duck fans, but I think Timmy is choosing his allegiance early!
Timmy also decided that crawling is not challenging enough for him, so he started pulling himself up to a standing position today! It was fun to watch both my parents, Tim's parents and my sister were all in the room when he performed for us! So naturally we put him on the walking toy and he did great. We held on to the toy so it didn't slip out in front of him, but he took a few steps with it!! I think he might be cruising the couch next !!
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