After the playground we went to lunch and then hit the road again. Before we even got to I-5 Joya and Timmy were asleep and they stayed asleep until we were almost to Redding. It was awesome and a good time for Tim and I to talk. On the way down we put an offer in on a house and we just heard back yesterday that they did not accept the offer and are not willing to budge from their price. Bummer for us! Well keep praying about a house!
We got to the party and we had a great time. I got to see some cousins that I haven't seen in 10 or so. It was so fun to see them, the little kids are teenagers now and they had fun with Joya, which was a nice beak for me! The cousins that are my age have jobs and are very nice people! I loved reconnecting with them and talking with all the cousins about their lives and whats next for them!
Saturday we stayed at home with GG and Great Grandpa NeeNee and all of the other cousins went to Great America to ride rides with my dad and Christi. I was only a little jealous! I loved giving that time to Joya and Timmy with the Great Grandparents. Grandpa put on a puppet show for Joya and Grandma got out her story telling apron and told bible stories to Joya...she ate them up! Then Saturday night Tim and I left the kids with my mom and grandparents and we went out with my uncles and their wives. Tim had only met my uncle that lives in Southern California once at our wedding. So he had never really gotten to know them, so it was really fun for us to first of all get out and away from the babies and secondly to get out and chat with my uncles and their wives!! We also had a little time as a family to go to the Sundial Bridge in Redding. It was an awesome bridge and here are the pictures of it. There is a family picture and one of Joya near one of the cables that holds the bridge together.
Sunday we had a huge breakfast all together and then hit the road back home. We didn't end up leaving until 11ish and so the kids again fell asleep right away and we made it to Medford for lunch. Then back int he car, which Timmy was not a fan of and screamed to let us all know that. We were 20 miles south of Eugene when he really let us know that he was done being in the car! Joya joined his band wagon and we stopped in Eugene at Tim's Grandma's assisted living house. She was so surprised to see us and it was a fun stop. Joya got to run around and Timmy got to eat and everyone was happy again! We finally made it home to pick up Toby from the dog-sitters, which Toby made him earn his money...sorry Nathan! We had a fast but awesome weekend! I am so glad that Joya and Timmy got to spend some time with just the grandparents and no one else around, I have no clue if they will remember them but I will remember that they got special attention and time wit
h them!
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