This is of Joya singing "Jesus loves the little Timmy". It was so cute I had to post it!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Last Week Was a Full Week!
During the week we had a lot of fun with friends, Joya had a few play dates. We had the Trimmer boys over again and it was another wonderful experience, all the kids played great together! We also had over our new neighbor Lauren, and her daughter Jaden (18mths). Even adding another child in the mix everyone played really well together.
Thursday night we headed down to Eugene because Tim had his 8th knee surgery Friday morning at 7:00am. So we stayed the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and they watched Joya for me while Tim had his screw and staple taken out. He has been a little disappointed with how he actually feels like he had surgery. He thought he would feel fine the next day and be able
On Saturday my sister came and got Joya and they went up to Enchanted Forrest. They had a blast and Joya got to ride a Kiddy Farris Wheel, she was pumped up about that. The rest of us headed back down to Eugene for Kenny Cox's Memorial Service. We cried a lot and Tim got people laughing with Kenny stories from the past. It was a great service. We came back up to hear about Joya's day with Tia and had some friends over for dinner, it was very low key, just pizza and salad and Tim didn't even sit at the table with us, he sat on the couch with his knee propped up with ice on it.
Sunday we went to church in the morning and then in the evening we went to the church swim and BBQ. We had a great time. My mom watched Timmy and and I took Joya swimming, she even went down the big huge slide twice. It was awesome, and I loved the time with just her, usually I have her and Timmy in the other arm, so it was nice to just have her and concentrate on just her!
Timmy this last week has decided to not sleep through the night anymore! Last night he finally slept really well! It was just in time too, my eye had been twitching for four days because I was so tired!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Update on Timmy Jr.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Great Week but now I'm in Trouble!
This is a picture of Joya and a project that she made on the last day of VBS. She is still wearing her cross that she decorated around the house.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
GG and Great Grandpa NeeNee's 50th Wedding Anniversary
After the playground we went to lunch and then hit the road again. Before we even got to I-5 Joya and Timmy were asleep and they stayed asleep until we were almost to Redding. It was awesome and a good time for Tim and I to talk. On the way down we put an offer in on a house and we just heard back yesterday that they did not accept the offer and are not willing to budge from their price. Bummer for us! Well keep praying about a house!
We got to the party and we had a great time. I got to see some cousins that I haven't seen in 10 or so. It was so fun to see them, the little kids are teenagers now and they had fun with Joya, which was a nice beak for me! The cousins that are my age have jobs and are very nice people! I loved reconnecting with them and talking with all the cousins about their lives and whats next for them!
Saturday we stayed at home with GG and Great Grandpa NeeNee and all of the other cousins went to Great America to ride rides with my dad and Christi. I was only a little jealous! I loved giving that time to Joya and Timmy with the Great Grandparents. Grandpa put on a puppet show for Joya and Grandma got out her story telling apron and told bible stories to Joya...she ate them up! Then Saturday night Tim and I left the kids with my mom and grandparents and we went out with my uncles and their wives. Tim had only met my uncle that lives in Southern California once at our wedding. So he had never really gotten to know them, so it was really fun for us to first of all get out and away from the babies and secondly to get out and chat with my uncles and their wives!! We also had a little time as a family to go to the Sundial Bridge in Redding. It was an awesome bridge and here are the pictures of it. There is a family picture and one of Joya near one of the cables that holds the bridge together.
Sunday we had a huge breakfast all together and then hit the road back home. We didn't end up leaving until 11ish and so the kids again fell asleep right away and we made it to Medford for lunch. Then back int he car, which Timmy was not a fan of and screamed to let us all know that. We were 20 miles south of Eugene when he really let us know that he was done being in the car! Joya joined his band wagon and we stopped in Eugene at Tim's Grandma's assisted living house. She was so surprised to see us and it was a fun stop. Joya got to run around and Timmy got to eat and everyone was happy again! We finally made it home to pick up Toby from the dog-sitters, which Toby made him earn his money...sorry Nathan! We had a fast but awesome weekend! I am so glad that Joya and Timmy got to spend some time with just the grandparents and no one else around, I have no clue if they will remember them but I will remember that they got special attention and time wit
h them!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Some Recent Pics!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We made it, and Tim made it home!
On Monday Joya got to spend some special time with her Auntie Kaylen while my dad and Timmy and I worked out. Timmy didn't last long in the stroller, so it was on to plan "B", which was the backpack. I lifted my arms and back with big boy on my was a lot harder and more challenging to keep my balance. Then I went to pick Joya up and take Timmy to his 4month doctor's appointment, it was fun to see how big he really was! He weighed in at 18lb2oz, in the 90% and he was almost 26inches which was the 95% and his head circumference was in the 70th%. I was kind of shocked that his head wasn't bigger because he has the biggest smile with the chubbiest cheeks!!! Then we went back to Nana and Papa's house where we ate lunch and Joya had a major melt down because she thought I was leaving right then and she was not ready for me to leave her with Papa, it stems from Tim being gone! I explained that I was not leaving until after she went down for a nap and that I would be back by dinner time! I had to go down to Eugene to sign all of our papers for the refinance on the Veneta house. I took Timmy with me and he was a champ! It took me a full hour to sign for me and Tim and then I had to go to the bank for a check and back to the mortgage place to drop it off. My trip to Eugene lasted longer than I thought it would, but Joya slept for almost 4 hours, so she never knew I was gone for so long!!
Tuesday we left first thing in the morning to the beach, my sister had some really good friends out from North Carolina, so they went to the beach for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We have an aquarium pass and met them at the aquarium, then went to lunch. Then I took the kids back to the house they were renting and put them down for a nap while Christi and her friends went to the store and played on a beach for a while. Timmy and Joya tag teamed me so I never got a nap, but I had a beautiful calming view of the ocean! Christi and her friends came back and Joya woke up, so I took Joya down to the beach while Timmy and Christi's friends stayed at the house. That was awesome because it was really windy down on the beach and I was thankful that Timmy didn't have to be down in that. Joya and I had a blast on the beach. We stayed down there for almost 2 hours, just digging holes! Yep holes! We would dig until we had water and play in that hole, build a castle next to it out of the pile of sand from the hole and then start all over again. We did take a small walk with Christi to look for neat rocks and shells. We drove home at 9 at night after having a wonderful crab dinner!!
Wednesday we had swimming and lunch plans with my mom and her teaching friends. Her teaching partner has a daughter that is turning 4 next week, anyway Joya loves her and she calls her "Baby Joya" and takes care of her. They are very cute together. Anyway we went swimming...Timmy too, and then went back to Mom's house for a potluck lunch. We came home for a nap and were supposed to have a play date with some neighbors, but they thought I said Tuesday and had already come the day before...oops! Anyway it was a good thing to have the evening free and have some down time, Joya just played with her baby Leila and was completely content with that!
Thursday we hung out at home for the morning and then we to the fair at noon to see all of the animals. We went with some friends from church and she had her third son two days after I had Timmy, so we saw them in the hospital room! Anyway she has a son who is Joya's age and her oldest is 4 but is so sweet to Joya! The mom taught 4H in California and was teaching us about all of the different types of pigs, cows, and sheep. The kids really liked the "Blue Butt Pigs", their a cross breed of Hampshire and Yorkshire pigs and yes their butt really looks blue. We stayed for a couple of hours and only lost one kid and then went home for naps and stayed around home to make dinner for everyone! That was my folks, Christi and her friends, of course Joya loved all the attention and couldn't eat anything for dinner. Joya and Timmy slept great that night!
Friday was a fast day, we were all looking forward to Daddy's return so we stayed at home and cleaned the house and then we drove down to Tim's folks house so the kids could go down for their naps. Tim's flight was supposed to get in at 3, right in the middle of nap time, but it was late. Anyway we got him, he was tired and we drove back home to have a big BBQ with all the family, it was great because all I had to do was bring our meat!
Saturday was a fun day, we spent the day as a family and were really laid back! One thing we did do was pump up the rubber raft to make sure it didn't have any holes in it for floating the river on Sunday. We floated the river with some friends from church who have a 4yr old boy and a 2.5 yr old boy. We left Timmy with my parents and Joya came with us. We had a great time. It took us an hour and half to float down, we almost missed our boat ramp to get out on, but other than that we had a blast. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, and we had great company. There were too many of us going so Steff and the kids and I were all in the boat and John and Tim were on a blow up mattress. I wish we had a picture of them, they were a sight to see! They sat on the edge with their feet down in there and just were relaxed with life jackets on. We had a great time!
We have another busy week this week with some friends coming in from Alabama and a trip to Redding CA for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party!!