Last weekend was the first time I left Timmy Jr. for a long time. We had a couple of busy days. It started with Tim taking Fri. off and spending the day with us because he left Sunday morning for two full weeks of training in Boston. So we spent Friday with him, not doing anything special, but it was just nice to have a family day knowing he is going to be gone a long time! Friday night was a horrible night with Timmy Jr. waking up every hour and by the morning I was exhausted!! So Tim gave me a nap in the morning and I woke up to the lovely tantrum of Joya Mae! Who knows what set her off this time, but she was screaming at my door and I woke up with a head ache! Tim had to pack for two weeks in two bags, which is challenging for a guy who's clothes are huge! I can do all my laundry for the week in one load, but it takes 2-3 loads for his clothes because they are so big. Anyway he got everything packed up and we went down to Eugene. We had lunch with Tim's folks and then left the kids with them while we went out to the Veneta house to clean it and get it ready for the next renters. I really like this next family that's moving in, they are moving from Idaho and seem like genuine people. On a side note, its hard renting out your house, its a true leap of faith in that family for them to keep the house in the condition I would keep it in!! Anyway we were out there for almost 3 hours doing yard work and I c

leaned out the fish tank, which took me an hour, and washed all the base boards and never know how dirty something is until you start cleaning! Anyway then we went back to the In-Laws house to clean up for Tim's High School Reunion. We had a great time, it was fun to see everyone, and I would post pictures but Tim took the camera to Boston with him, so I will post them later! It was amazing to me how many people never left Eugene, are still single, and are very similar to how they were in high school.
Anyway we got home at 11ish and Tim had to fly out the next morning at 5am. It was a short night of sleep, we woke up at 3:50, and Tim

woke everyone in the house up with showering and he dropped everything he had in his hands!!haha We got him off and Joya couldn't go back to sleep, so she was up from 5:30 on and so was I!
We are now on our own with out Tim until the 31st! It's a long time with out daddy, but we will manage. Joya misses him, she is mad at him for leaving and won't talk to him on the phone. I'm working on that everyday! We also thought we would be able to see each other over the web cam's but Tim is going to school from the time we wake up until after the kids nap time and then he goes to dinner and then to study sessions, he has very long intense days. But I hope that on Saturday or Sunday we can get the web cam's going and Joya will have a better attitude towards her daddy being gone!! I'm sure it doesn't make Tim feel good!
Here is a picture of Tim at training. He is working o

n a shoulder
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