Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tim has a JOB
This Saturday is Tim's last game to coach in. He has taken a job in the medical devices field. He will be selling screws and pins for joints to surgeons. He is very sad to leave coaching, especially at OSU, but excited to start this new hase of life!!
He's a Big Guy!
Timmy is now over 10lbs!! I can't believe it, he has grown so much in the last 5 weeks! We are still struggling with colds in our house, Joya seems to be the only healthy one right now!! Tim and I still have a sore throats and Timmy is still congested. But we are doing good, and we are making it through day by day!
Saturday Great grandma came to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. Great Grandma hadn't seen Timmy yet, so she saw him and held him for a long time!
Saturday night we went to a Luau at OSU. Tim, Timmy and I went to the dinner and the show, but my mom brought Joya for just the show part. She loved it, she says her favorite parts were the blue dancers, the fire dancers, and the purple girls. She also loved watching the girls with the spinning balls!! The picture is of Joya putting dollar bills on the stage for the dancers, it's a Hawaiian tradition.
Yesterday after Tim's practice we went out to the Gradin's Arabian Horse farm. Joya loves looking at the horses and they even had a philly that was only one day older than Timmy, so that was fun to see.
Today we had MOPs, which I love to have that time with my friends and with out Joya. I also love for Joya to have that time with other children her own age. Unfortunately she hit a little girl today. She tells me she pushed her, but the workers told me she hit her. Anyway she had to apologise and then she gave the little girl her dolly. She's been really physical lately, she doesn't know her own strength but I really think she is just testing the waters to see what she can get away with and what her consequences are. This was the first incidence at MOPs but we have been dealing with it at home a lot. She has to learn to be gentle around Timmy and learn to control her temper and her hands.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to take both of them grocery shopping...should be fun!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pictures from Today
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Last weekend was Easter, we tried explaining why we celebrate Easter to Joya, I am not sure she got any of it. She would tell people "Happy Easter and He is Alive." But, I think she was just repeating what she had heard. I guess we have to start somewhere, and even though she didn't real;y get it, she might next year. The weekend started on Friday night with Joya and Nana dipping egg shaped rice crispy treats in chocolate and sprinkles. The sprinkles were in the shapes of eggs, hearts, butterflies.
What she did get is how to hunt for Easter eggs. She had a great time and every morning since Saturday we have started our day with an egg hunt. It is funny how excited she gets when she finds an egg. On Saturday we went to one of our Family Foundations group members house. They have a 2acre piece of land, with some of it being an old christmas tree farm. We went there for brunch and an egg hunt. We had a great time getting to know more people in the group, since we are new to it! We also had a great time watching Joya hunt for eggs. She found about 8 and her basket was full, so we would say "Oh Joya your basket is full, let me hold some eggs for you." Then we would take half of them out and re-hide them for her. Sometimes it didn't work out, other kids would co
me and get them, but some of the older kids caught on to what we were doing and helped Joya find the eggs we hid. She loved it and it wasn't too bad taking the whole family out!
On our way home we stopped at the fair grounds because OSU's agg. department was selling their baby animals. We stopped by, just to see them and our neighbor, Mr. Matt. He works in that department at OSU and invited us to the viewing. He knew Joya loves animals!
The next day was Easter, so we packed everyone up again and went to church. Timmy did excellent, he was mostly quiet during the service. Then we hit Starbucks on the way home for a treat for Tim and I and I needed to feed Timmy. Joya loves to go to Starbucks with her daddy because he gets her strawberry milk, when she goes with me she only gets water!! Her daddy loves to spoil her! Then we spent the day at my parents house until Joya melted down at 6:30. We came home and put her to bed!!
Monday and Tuesday came and went for us, we all have head colds and the kids are not sleeping!! Joya slept better last night, but I was up with Timmy every 2 hours. He is just starting his cold and Joya, surprisingly, seems like hers is passing through fast. Tim is sick, and I am just tired, it may hit me later, or this is the same cold I had when Timmy was born! Monday was Timmy's first real bath. He screamed and then liked it after he was completely emerged in the water. I can't remember much from the last few days, but his bath was fun, especially when he soaked the counter by peeing a nice fountain on it. The pictures is not a good one of me, but it is the only one that didn't have Timmy's package out in the open!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Big Timmy
Timmy had his 2week appointment today, he weighed in at 9lbs.5oz. Today was his original due date, so I am pretty sure that's how much he would have weighed. He is a eating machine, he nurses every hour and a half to two hours. I asked the doctor if I could make him weight for three hours, she said go for it. She also said that if I establish a routine in the day it will transfer to night. So far the only routine we have is he is hungry and I feed him...often! His jaundice is gone and his circumcision is healing nicely. He has a little infection on his rear from diaper rash. He rashed and blistered and now has an infection, the doctor called in some antibiotic cream that I have to apply three times a day. She also thinks it will get better when I can give him a real bath, right now he gets birdy baths because his cord hasn't fallen off. Joya calls the cord a snake, or as she says"nake." It kind of looks like snake scales.
a stayed with Papa today when I took Timmy in. She had a good time and learned how to salute. Papa was in the Marines and then was a police officer for 35years, his name is actually Papa Sir. I got the salute on video, but have not downloaded it, I will soon.
I am tired and need to get ready for bed, so that when I feel the little guy next I can go to bed too!!
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