polka dots

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big Girl Panties!

Joya saw her Elmo panties on her dresser this morning and wanted to wear them. So this morning I let her wear them for 3 hours or so. We ran back and forth from the potty several times. She never went in the potty, but she never went in her panties either!! Every time she sat on the potty, she would get up and say "nothing". It was good practice for her to put her panties up and down, it takes some practice. She would not put pants on ever her panties, but I knew we were only going to wear the panties for a short time this morning, so it was ok with me.

This evening she wanted to wear them again and she did great!! She told me she had to go poopy, so we went and she pooped on the side of the training potty! We were very excited though, and praised and praised her for telling mommy and then going on the toilet!! I left it there and took her to her room to clean her up. While I was gone, Toby ate her poop, which grossed me out!! She pooped again in the toilet about 20 min later, this time it was in the big potty!! So here is a picture of her next to the potty and then she got to flush it!!

We are very proud of her!!

1 comment:

cowhorse7 said...

The Cowhorse7 is Cyndy's id, but this is Grammi writing to you. I'm SO GLAD to see the pictures of JOYA and to hear all about what is going on. It has been raining here today so grass for the cattle yeh. CYNDY AND ANSEL are visiting so that is fun. CINDY set up your blog for me to read and also Kellys. By now hugs and God Bless G.G. W.