I really like the final product! It is completely different and I like it! I have only had short hair like this two other times in my life, once when I was six. My brother cut my hair when we were fighting and we had to trim it to my ears to cover the cut. The other time was in the eighth grade, and I didn't like it on me then. I have a really round face and it made it look even rounder then! Somehow I don't feel the same today even though my face has not changed.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
One Pound of Hair!
I really like the final product! It is completely different and I like it! I have only had short hair like this two other times in my life, once when I was six. My brother cut my hair when we were fighting and we had to trim it to my ears to cover the cut. The other time was in the eighth grade, and I didn't like it on me then. I have a really round face and it made it look even rounder then! Somehow I don't feel the same today even though my face has not changed.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Piggy Flu
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
He's Walking!!
Here is a video of Joya singing to Timmy, she wanted to put on a little show for him. We are becoming very creative as we are quarantined at home with "hoof and mouth." We are doing better with that too, Joya has been without a fever for 24hours now, and her shots are looking better but not gone. Timmy's three spots on his face are almost gone, but he got a bunch on hes bottom yesterday, and they look painful!! Maybe a few more days and we can get out!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hoof and Mouth
I called our doctor and my sister, they both said the same thing, its a "virus" and there is nothing you can do but make sure they stay hydrated! My sister also recommended equal parts of liquid Benadryl and liquid Maalox and paint Joya's tongue and throat with it and it will take the sting out of her throat for her to swallow. I did that and it works great, I can tell when it wears of, about every 2 hours and we do it again.
Today Joya had low grade fevers of 99-100 and had many more moments of being alive and able to play, not like yesterday all she wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch a "little show." Today she still has the little white pox marks in her throat, but she wasn't having the same trouble swallowing like yesterday. And thank the Lord she wasn't as whinny today either. I can tolerate quiet a bit, but I can not take much of the whinny talking and attitude. I know its different when she is sick, but I think she knows how to play it up now too!
Timmy woke up with one of the little boils/pox marks on his lip. He doesn't have any other symptoms other than that one mark...lets all pray right now that he stays healthy!!

Here is a picture of Timmy chewing on a duck, sorry to all our family and friends who are duck fans, but I think Timmy is choosing his allegiance early!
Timmy also decided that crawling is not challenging enough for him, so he started pulling himself up to a standing position today! It was fun to watch both my parents, Tim's parents and my sister were all in the room when he performed for us! So naturally we put him on the walking toy and he did great. We held on to the toy so it didn't slip out in front of him, but he took a few steps with it!! I think he might be cruising the couch next !!
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's Official!
Timmy also was dedicated on Sunday. The whole family was up on stage and Joya was making Tim and I laugh through the whole time. We told her it was time to pray and so while the Pastor was praying she started praying too. She prayed for her carebears, carebear cousins, her Sunday school class, penguins that she didn't know their names, and named everyone names in our family. After she was done praying she said, "OK I'm done, lets go back to my class."
The dedication was presented by Pastor Andy Buchanan, and he did a great job! We had Joya dedicated also, but this one felt different and was more community based, I really liked it! So here are some pictures from that, I will post more when I get more from my sister, she has a better camera than us!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
He did it!!
Last Saturday Timmy went with me on a women's retreat while Joya stayed with Daddy. While on the retreat he said "Mama". He said it all day Saturday and Sunday, but as soon as we got into Tim's presence he stopped saying it and has not said it since!! I try so hard to get him to say it and he just looks at me and says"mmmmm."
Yesterday on Monday Timmy started army crawling. No one was around to see it and I tried to get him to do it again when Tim was home again, and again he didn't perform!
Last night I had Timmy on the floor and got him to inch his way forward for the little Elmo doll that Joya has. Timmy did it, he army crawled toward Elmo and Daddy was so excited to see it. Joya was even excited for Timmy and told him "good job, Timmy!"
It's been an exciting few days, crawling is next and he will probably be a lot faster at that and we will have to set some serious boundaries for him and for Joya as far as picking up after herself!!
Here are some pictures from the Picture Me studio. They turned out great!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Whats that smell?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Timmy is 6 months!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"I know what I want to be when I grow up."
Joya also has decided that she wants to be a care bear from Halloween. The pink one with the rainbow on its tummy, Cheer bear. So I have to get going on that costume.
Timmy is rolling all over the floor, sitting up for longer and longer periods of time, and he is trying to cut a tooth. He is screaming when not on Tylenol and the tooth is right under the surface, i can feel it but it hasn't come through the gums yet. This is way sooner than Joya got her teeth. She was 11 months, Timmy is almost 6 months.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Beaver Game and Wild Life Safari
Monday, August 31, 2009
For Your Enjoyment!
This is of Joya singing "Jesus loves the little Timmy". It was so cute I had to post it!
Last Week Was a Full Week!
During the week we had a lot of fun with friends, Joya had a few play dates. We had the Trimmer boys over again and it was another wonderful experience, all the kids played great together! We also had over our new neighbor Lauren, and her daughter Jaden (18mths). Even adding another child in the mix everyone played really well together.
Thursday night we headed down to Eugene because Tim had his 8th knee surgery Friday morning at 7:00am. So we stayed the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and they watched Joya for me while Tim had his screw and staple taken out. He has been a little disappointed with how he actually feels like he had surgery. He thought he would feel fine the next day and be able
On Saturday my sister came and got Joya and they went up to Enchanted Forrest. They had a blast and Joya got to ride a Kiddy Farris Wheel, she was pumped up about that. The rest of us headed back down to Eugene for Kenny Cox's Memorial Service. We cried a lot and Tim got people laughing with Kenny stories from the past. It was a great service. We came back up to hear about Joya's day with Tia and had some friends over for dinner, it was very low key, just pizza and salad and Tim didn't even sit at the table with us, he sat on the couch with his knee propped up with ice on it.
Sunday we went to church in the morning and then in the evening we went to the church swim and BBQ. We had a great time. My mom watched Timmy and and I took Joya swimming, she even went down the big huge slide twice. It was awesome, and I loved the time with just her, usually I have her and Timmy in the other arm, so it was nice to just have her and concentrate on just her!
Timmy this last week has decided to not sleep through the night anymore! Last night he finally slept really well! It was just in time too, my eye had been twitching for four days because I was so tired!