Timmy had tubes put into his ears yesterday. He did fantastic until he came out of anesthesia. He screamed and flailed for a half an hour. The doctor said he would be cranky...I do not call that cranky, I call it mad! Here are some pictures of him before the surgery while we were waiting there and a video of him after the procedure. He was so cute in his little yellow scrubs!
Timmy also got his first hair cut this last week. Our neighbor across the street used to do hair

and offered to help me with the kids, but she ended up just doing Timmy...he was a moving target that would have been hard to learn on!
Here is the before picture, he did very well about sitting there and playing with his toys while Mrs. Jenn cut his hair.

This is a picture of me, today on my birthday! I have had the worst day! I started getting sick last night, but couldn't tell if it was from the baby or the flu...it was the flu! I had extremely bad stomach cramps, I actually at one point thought I was loosing the baby, but I called my sister and she has the same flu a few days before, she said she had the same thing! I vomited anytime my zofran ran out and everything came out the back end too. The bad part is because I am pregnant that I have low blood pressure and I just kept fainting! I would have bad stomach cramps and double over in pain and then try to get up and then would faint! Ohh how I love the first trimester in pregnancy!!