Well we were really surprised a week ago Sunday when I started getting sick. I couldn't stand the smell in my parents house and everyone else said they didn't smell anything. I walked down to my sister's house because there was a Philippine meeting in progress and I was planning on going with her to teach VBS there. They handed me my plane ticket and I put my two sense in and then headed back to mom and dads house. I walked in and couldn't stand the smell again, so I hung out in their backyard with the kids. I remembered feeling the same way when I was pregnant with Timmy. I had been feeling nauseous all day but attested it to the coffee I had earlier that day. When we finally got home that evening I decided to take a pregnancy test. It was as clear as day a positive sign! I cried a little and smiled a little. This changes my plans for this year, especially going to the Philippines. I also had plans to sub a little more this year and we have a trip planned to Orland in November. That trip is still on but my other trip is not happening and I haven't decided about subbing yet. I need to get through the sickness first! I have some meds that help me not throw up but the nausea is still there in waves. I am extremely tired and am napping everyday while the kids nap and rest. Joya comes and wakes me up when her noise maker goes off and by then it had been an hour and a half!
Needless to say we are excited that the Lord blessed us with another baby, it was really nice not having to decided when to try for baby #3! We were a little shocked because I was on birth control! We also are really excited that we are still on Tim's NFL insurance! That is a huge blessing!!
Baby is due April 24th, Easter Sunday, but will most likely be born the week before because my doctor told me she doesn't operate on Sundays! When baby comes, Timmy will have just turned 2 and Joya will be a couple months shy of her 4th birthday.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Timmy is trying to repeat and talk more and more. He has a few words that he says ALL the time. Doggie, Ball, Dada and Mama are his constants, but now he tries to say football, which sounds like "BotBall". He is also repeating animals like kitty, pig, and bear. He is teething really bad right now to where his mouth is bleeding. His molars are coming through...three of them at the same time. He hasn't slept through the night for the last 5 nights in a row. I don;t think he will sleep through the night again until his teeth stop hurting!! Poor guy!
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