Last Saturday Timmy went with me on a women's retreat while Joya stayed with Daddy. While on the retreat he said "Mama". He said it all day Saturday and Sunday, but as soon as we got into Tim's presence he stopped saying it and has not said it since!! I try so hard to get him to say it and he just looks at me and says"mmmmm."
Yesterday on Monday Timmy started army crawling. No one was around to see it and I tried to get him to do it again when Tim was home again, and again he didn't perform!
Last night I had Timmy on the floor and got him to inch his way forward for the little Elmo doll that Joya has. Timmy did it, he army crawled toward Elmo and Daddy was so excited to see it. Joya was even excited for Timmy and told him "good job, Timmy!"
It's been an exciting few days, crawling is next and he will probably be a lot faster at that and we will have to set some serious boundaries for him and for Joya as far as picking up after herself!!
Here are some pictures from the Picture Me studio. They turned out great!