Joya, my sister and I went to the zoo last weekend. Joya can't stop talking about all of the animals she saw!! She talks about the polar bears, penguins, zebras, monkeys, and the elephants. We had a wonderful time, it was cold but we all bundled well. We also met my cousin and his family there. I think Joya had a better time than all of us,w e have all been to the zoo before and Joya was taking it all in for the first time. This was not her first time to the zoo, but this is the first time she has cared!! The picture is of my sister, who Joya calls Tia, and Joya on a statue of the baby elephant. The baby was just born this summer and was very cute!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Big Girl Bed
Yesterday we put Joya's big girl bed in her room and I gave her the choice at nap time which bed she wanted to sleep in. She choose her big girl bed after playing on it all morning. I put her in her bed and told her it was nappy time and that she needed to stay in her bed. She is allowed to bring any toys or books she wants to on her bed, but then has to stay on her bed for nap time. I put her in her bed, and left the room leaving her door open a crack. I watched through her door and she paced back and forth crying, on and off her bed. She cried for an hour and then finally laid down on her bed and fell asleep for almost an hour. That night she cried for 5 min. and never got out of bed. She slept all night until 6:30 the next morning, she did so good. Today during nap time I told her it was nap time and she ran to her big girl bed saying "big girl big girl" the whole way down the hall. She talked me into reading her a story and then I told her she needed to get into bed, she got on her bed and came right down asking for the book we had just read, so I gave that to her and she got in her bed with the book. Again I left her door open a crack to see what she would do, but she stayed in her bed and slept for 2 and a half hours!!! That is an amazing nap for her but she also stayed in her bed which was awesome! Tonight we put her to bed and it was just like putting her in her crib, we read stories, put her to bed, prayed over her and then left the room. We haven't heard a word from her since and its been 45 min. I think its safe to say she fell asleep right away!! I have been waiting a half hour past her normal bed and nap times to put her down, so that she is really tired!! But I am very please with how she is doing!! It is going a whole lot better than I thought it would!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Imaginary Play
Since Christmas Joya's imaginary play has taken off!! I don't know if it is from being around older kids or if we gave her more tools to play with. She got a kitchen from us and lives in there every day!! She also got a doctors kit from her grandparents. She likes to listen to everyone's "heartbeep". She even listens to her dolls, her bucky horse, Toby, and my baby "heartbeep". Here is a picture of Joya listening to the baby's "heartbeep". It is very cute, but she can't ever listen to the heartbeat through my shirt, she lifts up my shirt to listen!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
8 weeks and counting down!!
I can not believe we have 8 weeks before the baby is here!! I am 30 weeks and still growing large!! Last week at my doctors appointment I measured 33 when I was 29 weeks. You are supposed to match what week you are. That being said she, the doctor, was no longer concerned that I only gained 1lb last month!! Its kind of nice this time around not gaining a ton and feeling huge, although I still feel large, I know I haven't gained even half of what I did last time around!
Back to only having 8 weeks, I don't have anything in the room done, in fact it is still fully the office. We packed up the book shelf last week, but nothing else has been done. I have picked out the bedding my mom is going to make, it is a cute lamb quilt. I will make the bed skirt and valance for the window but I don't see that happening anytime soon either! I guess I am kind of waiting for Tim's future to be known he going to GA again?, will he find a job coaching?, or another kind of job?...will we be moving before the baby comes? There is no point to setting up a nursery to just pack it up and move it before the baby comes, even though I really want everything set.
One major thing that has to happen before we set up the nursery is we have to move Joya into a big girl bed!! We are getting a mattress next week and I think I am going to take Joya with me to pick out her own bedding!! That will be fun for her, and yes I could make her one, but I think it would be really fun for her to see it in a store and pick it out herself, bring it home and put it on her brand new bed!!! I'm sure I will update everyone as to how that situation goes!!
Oh and for those of you wondering, Toby is fine from the "Oh Poop" incident!! He was sick for a few days along with my parents and sisters dogs. So they either all got into something or they had a nice little doggy virus going on!!
Back to only having 8 weeks, I don't have anything in the room done, in fact it is still fully the office. We packed up the book shelf last week, but nothing else has been done. I have picked out the bedding my mom is going to make, it is a cute lamb quilt. I will make the bed skirt and valance for the window but I don't see that happening anytime soon either! I guess I am kind of waiting for Tim's future to be known he going to GA again?, will he find a job coaching?, or another kind of job?...will we be moving before the baby comes? There is no point to setting up a nursery to just pack it up and move it before the baby comes, even though I really want everything set.
One major thing that has to happen before we set up the nursery is we have to move Joya into a big girl bed!! We are getting a mattress next week and I think I am going to take Joya with me to pick out her own bedding!! That will be fun for her, and yes I could make her one, but I think it would be really fun for her to see it in a store and pick it out herself, bring it home and put it on her brand new bed!!! I'm sure I will update everyone as to how that situation goes!!
Oh and for those of you wondering, Toby is fine from the "Oh Poop" incident!! He was sick for a few days along with my parents and sisters dogs. So they either all got into something or they had a nice little doggy virus going on!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Joya is wearing a ponytail!!
I am so excited that Joya can finally wear a ponytail!! She likes to look at herself in the mirror when she has it in. Today I tried pigtails!! She looks so cute!! Her hair is so pliable that when she takes her ponytail out, her hair stays straight up as if there is still a rubber band in. I thought
you all would enjoy it too!! The first picture is of Joya showing her hair after wearing a ponytail, her hair stays up and we call her a roster. The second picture if you look closely she has pigtails in...that was from today!!
Red Door Shower
When I was in college I lived with 6 girls and we lived in a house with a red door, so we were called the red door girls. Anyway there are several of us who have been in and out of that house, 8 of us are still in contact and try to get together on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. Well 6 of us our pregnant and all due with in 4 months of each other. So we had one big shower together in Portland yesterday, it was so much fun!! The picture is of the 4 of us who could make it to the shower, the first is Kari who is due first in Feb. then me in March, then Janae in April and the last is Hannah who is due in May. There were two more girls who couldn't make it to the shower one girl lives in California and the other lives in Bend, OR. Anyway we had a great time!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
"Got it!"
While we were in El Paso, Joya heard and repeated "dang it". She repeated it several times and Tim thought it was funny so he laughed and of course it stuck in her little brain as funny. Well since then she has said it several times and now Tim is not laughing anymore!!
Joya and I were sitting around the dinner table with my parents and my sister and Joya said dang it. Everyone just looked at me and I had been telling Joya that it is inappropriate for her to say that. Anyway she said it, I told her to that was inappropriate for her to say that and if she said it again she would get a time out with out her pubby. I said this all in a very stern voice. She looked at me and then looked around the table at everyone else, she looked back at me and I said "do you understand me." She looked away and then back to me and said "GOT IT!" We all started laughing so hard, I was crying, I was laughing so hard!! Had to share these moments of Joya and her language development!!
Joya and I were sitting around the dinner table with my parents and my sister and Joya said dang it. Everyone just looked at me and I had been telling Joya that it is inappropriate for her to say that. Anyway she said it, I told her to that was inappropriate for her to say that and if she said it again she would get a time out with out her pubby. I said this all in a very stern voice. She looked at me and then looked around the table at everyone else, she looked back at me and I said "do you understand me." She looked away and then back to me and said "GOT IT!" We all started laughing so hard, I was crying, I was laughing so hard!! Had to share these moments of Joya and her language development!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
3 in one day!
So Joya has not slept through the night since we got home on Monday. I thought it was because she was adjusting back to being at home after staying in our hotel room, and then in Uncle Jeffrey's bathroom while we were in the room next to her. Anyway last night she woke almost every hour. I could not figure out what was going on, and this morning I saw a molar coming through on the top left side of her gums. So I gave her some Motrin and she took almost a 3 hour nap. After the nap I looked in her mouth again, which is not easy to do, and there were 2 more molars coming in on the bottom one on each side. Poor kid, I didn't know she was in so much pain!! So now she is on Motrin and gets popsicle too!! I am hoping she sleeps through the night though, because he mommy needs to sleep!!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So we have had a very interesting start to our new year!
It started when we left Corvallis Christmas day for El Paso, Tx. We left with the team for the bowl game. The bus ride up to Portland was hard, Joya wanted to get up and walk arou
nd because she was not seat belted in. She handled it good and we made it to the airport. We got some food at the airport and waited for almost an hour on the airplane to be de-iced. We were several planes back in line to be de-iced and just had to wait our turn. So we let Joya eat and then walk around on the plane. As soon as the pilot said we are almost done de-icing and will be pushing back in 10 min, we strap ted her into her seat and she was so tired, she slept almost the entire way!! She woke up when there was 35min. left of the flight!!
Once we got to El Paso Tim was extremely busy with football or events that he had to go to. We would have breakfast with him and then did not see him again unt
il the evening. Tim and I got to go to some fun events together and Joya got to go to one of them with us. We had dinner with the Sheriffs Posse, we got to watch the talent show competition between the two teams, and we went to a authentic dinner and show all the the bowl committee provided for us. It was fun, but when we went out Joya was with a babysitter at the hotel with all the other children and babies. I thought it was an awesome set up they provided! They highered workers from a local child care facility for the three evening we were going out with out the kids. We did not get home until late so Joya would be exhausted by the time we got home!
The bad part was that I am pretty sure the child care workers brought a unhealthy virus with them and shared it with all the kids!! Joya started throwing up two days before the game. The first night was every 1/2 hour from 11:30 to about 3. Then the next day she tossed her breakfast and once more but then was done by 10:30 and did
not throw up again until the next day. This was game day, she threw up her breakfast and again at 3, which at that point Jeff(Tim's brother) had come over from Houston, caught Joya's bug and started throwing up at the game!! He also passed out, he came back to the hotel, where Joya and I were watching the game, and was having issues for a good 6 hours. That night Joya lost it again every 1/2 hour to 45 min. from 11:30 to 3:30 and then again at 5:30.
That was New Years night!! Jeff and Joya had to share the bathroom at 12:10 while puking simultaneously!!! It was nasty and the only person who got sleep was Tim!! It was a good thing Tim slept because the next morning Jeff was feeling better, not 100% by any means, but able to keep crackers and 7up down, I was tired, and Joya was exhausted and still not feeling good. We all hopped in the car and drove 9 hours to Houston. I really think it was the best thing for Joya, it forced her to rest and she slept the majority of the way. We got into Jeff's house at about 8ish and put Joya down about 9ish. She woke up once that night from 2-3 and then slept the rest of the night. While in the car she ate 3 crackers, and I gave her little 1.65 ml sourange of water at a time. She also got some ice when we had it. The next day we were a little scared to go see Dan, Kim, Josh, and the twin babies, but Joya didn't have a fever and hadn't vomited in over 24hours so we went over for the afternoon. I am really regretting that decision now, since Kim came down with the flu last night!! She can not afford to be of her feet, she has to 3 month old twins to nurse and be a mommy to, not to mention a 4 yr old boy, who is all boy!! Anyway we hung out with them again all day yesterday, which made a long day for Joya!! Which brings us to last night. At 1:30 she started coughing so hard that she again made herself throw up and then had some explosive diareah this morning at 6:30. She has taken 2 naps today and gone threw several outfits with the dia!! Dan called us this morning an
d told us not to come over, that Kim was sick and he is praying the babies don't get it too!! I am too!! I would feel so bad if the babies got this virus, they both already have ear infections and colds, what more can their little bodies handle!!! So now we are at Jeff's resting and getting ready to leave for home tomorrow afternoon!! I can't wait to get home even though I am not looking forward to tomorrow, it will be a long day to fly with a little girl with the runs!
This vacation is one for the books!!
This vacation is one for the books!!
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